
Wednesday, 21 March 2018

How Did He Get Up There

Look up there somebody is on the Statue of Liberty and then screaming look at your phone,
He is gone to blow up the Statue of Liberty but how did he get up there.
And then someone said he skydived, here come the police they say he is a prisoner that has
escaped from the mots grad prison in the world.
Why does he want to blow up the Statue of Liberty because it the mane thing of USA,
and then he fall off but his suit get sack on a piece of metal and then his suit rips and...

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Body language

I want to find out how to see body language.

I will give someone a complement then I will ask them to give me a complement.
They will have to be lie or they will  be saying the truth.
Now I will know if you are lie or not.


Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Image result for psychology


Image result for hornby high school logoImage result for hornby high school
CARR Cards

Contents page

The classes are cool and wonderful seeing it for the first time as a year seven the teachers were wonderful too and nice

The CARR in CARR cards stand for…
Commitment, Achievement, Respect and Resilience if we follow them we get stamps on our CARR cards and when we finish them we get a new one. Once you finish five you get a tuck shop voucher, does that sounds like fun?

  1. CARR Cards

  1. Around the school

We have a big auditorium and we are thankful to have something like it, we do lots of things in there like singing and we have assemblies too.

MR R. Sutton

Hornby High Principal